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A special Assembly!

Children from P1-P7 enjoyed a really special assembly on Friday 18th May.
Valerie from Waakisa Ministries came to talk about the work she does in Uganda with young women and orphan children. Children from P4 handed over a cheque from Riverdale which we hope will help these people in Uganda.

3 girls from P7, Keri, Ellie and Caroline gave Valerie a quilt which they made for the children in Uganda. 
 Miss Harris talked to us about the Comenius project. She told us all about the Nature work that P1-P4 had been doing recently. We are really looking forward to meeting the teachers from Spain, Finland, Poland and Germany in a few weeks!

Finally, Miss Brown told us about P2's special visitor. Yesterday Jimmy Kirkwood, an Olympic gold Medalist, came to visit P2 and answered lots of their questions. He was part of the Great Britain Hockey squad which won gold in South Korea in 1988. The children were very excited to hear about his achievements!
